Ecom Cash Crusher Review – What Is It

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Ecom Cash Crusher Review – What Is It

With all the ways to make money online, which is the best or one that’s worth trying? This can be a little overwhelming, especially if you are just starting out. This is where I can help. I have reviewed a number of systems and will gladly share what I have learned with you.

The system that I am looking at today is Ecom Cash Crusher. It is a new product that was just released. I always like to discuss the sales videos, these can be entertaining after watching a few of them. We will also discuss what Ecom Cash Crusher is, what I like about it, what I don’t like, is it a legit system or just another scam, and is it worth trying.

Is Ecom Cash Crusher any different from some of those other systems that you should avoid? Let’s find out.

Name: Ecom Cash Crusher


Price: $37 +

Guarantee: 60-Day money back guarantee

Creator: David Anderson (he claims)

I have included some of my affiliate
links in this review to allow you to get more information or to purchase the products.

The Sales Video

First a little warning, this video is over 17 minutes long with no fast-forward! You should have everything in this review to make a decision to try or not to try Ecom Cash Crusher, but if you want to watch the entire video, feel free.

I always know I am in for a treat when a sales video start off telling how this will change my life. Wow that was quick, slide two jumps right in and tells me some of their members make up to $40,000 a month. Oh, I can’t wait to see what this is all about now.

Now comes the testimonials.

First one claims in 2 days she has made $2,834.00.

ecom testimonial

Here comes testimonial #2 – does this guy look familiar? Well he should, this is at least the third product review I have done recently that he has been in. You can find this paid actor on Fiverr. He claims that he has been using this system for 2 months and has made over $100,000 in profit!

ecom cash crusher testimonial

Now look at the third testimonial, another familiar face. He’s made over $800 in just 3 hours!

cash crusher testimonial

I guess using paid actors to read from a script doesn’t fall under this category

unethical sales claims

Thank you for putting 3 sings of a scam into one slide.

online scams

After a long and sad story, the video tells you how he learned about the system and how it changed his life. Same story as other sales videos, only with different names and a few new pieces. Couldn’t have all of them sounding exactly the same, but close is OK.

What Is Ecom Cash Crusher For

The Ecom Cash Crusher system will teach you about how to earn money with Shopify.

The best part of this system, which is different from most, it goes over goal setting. This is extremely important. You need to know what you want out of your online business and how to get there.

The rest of the training is actually good. It goes over everything about starting and running a Shopify business. Some topics include:

  • Selecting a niche
  • SEO
  • Setting up your Shopify account
  • Selecting products
  • Adding products to your store
  • Drop shipping
  • And a lot more

what is ecom cash crusher

How Does Ecom Cash Crusher Work

The Training system goes beyond the basics of a simple Shopify store. There are several training videos on using Facebook alone. They also have a good video on how to use YouTube for marketing.

From what I have seen, there is only one upsell of $197. This is a done-for-you Shopify store that is all set up and ready to go. I personally think it is better to learn your way around and how to do things, but if you want to be up and running quickly, this is not a bad option.

What I like About Ecom Cash Crusher

  • Low price of only $37
  • This is a good Shopify Training system
  • It is a complete system and not sold to you in pieces
  • 60-day money back guarantee through Clickbank

unrealistic income claims

What I Don’t Like

  • Unrealistic income claims, especially for someone just starting out
  • Paid testimonials with false income claims
  • Sales video that is hard to watch to the end. It’s almost 18 minutes long!
  • The voice narrating the sales video also narrates other similar videos

Is Ecom Cash Crusher A Scam Or Legit

Ecom Cash Crusher is a legit training system. I know it’s new, but do they really need to use paid actors reading from scripts making false earning claims? This is getting to be very common with Clickbank products.


If you are interested in starting a Shopify store, then this will help you get started. If you think you’re going to make the kind of money they discuss in the video, don’t count on it. You can make money on Shopify and from what I have seen, this appears to be a good training system.

The system is worth $37, whether it’s worth the additional $197 will be up to you. I would suggest if you are interested in the product, skip the long-drawn-out video and just purchase it. There is a 60-day money back guarantee, so if you don’t like it, you can get your money back.

This can work well with my most recommended opportunity. Take a look and see if you want to work these together.

Please leave your comments or questions below and thank you for reading,


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