Five Minute Profit Sites Review 
Name: Five Minute Profit Site
Price: $37 +++upsells
Owners: Sam Smith
Overall Rank: 60 out of 100
Five Minute Profit Sites Overview
This product is designed to create a website for you. Yes, you really can have a website in 5 minutes. You can pick the name from a list, but not create your own from what I saw.
If you are looking at getting started online, you can learn from here. The impression I have is that they are more focused on paid advertising than letting you create your own content. I prefer to drive my traffic through organic means like free search engines.
When you set up your site, you sign up with ClickBank, then promote just about any products offered through ClickBank on your site. One thing to think about is that Five Minute Profit Sites is a product sold on ClickBank. The income they are stating appears to be from promoting their own system.
The Good & the Bad 
The Good:
- The initial cost is low. So, it doesn’t cost a lot to check out. If you get a few ideas from it, then it’s worth the $37.
- You can create a website very quickly.
- The additional products may be worth the additional cost if you want something that pretty much My run itself to a certain degree.
- From what I have heard, when you exit the sales page, you will be given the opportunity for a free trial. This is actually not bad, you can learn some things from here and if you do not continue with them at the end of the trial, then you can apply your new knowledge elsewhere.
- There is a 60-day money-back guarantee
- The video is a little shall I say cheesy? Similar to an old infomercial. You know one of those things on TV that you run across after midnight when you are channel surfing because you can’t fall asleep? It comes across as way too good to be true.
- The income claims appear too good to be true. So, what is usually the case when something is too good to be true? I am not saying you can’t earn that kind of money online, but this raises a big red flag for me.
- You must have an Aweber account in order to make this work. This is not necessarily a bad thing, because if you are going to have an online business, you want an Aweber account. I just don’t like being forced into anything! Strongly recommend is OK, but not forced.
- Their strategy seems to be outdated. You build a site, throw some products on it, and expect people to buy. This may have worked 10 years ago, but not as much now.
Who is Five Minute Profit Sites For?
Five Minute Profit Sites is really for anyone who is looking to make money fast without any real effort. If you are willing to spend money!
My Final Opinion of Five Minute Profit Sites
For the initial $37 it may not be bad, you can learn some basics from there. I believe that you can make some money through their system, but not like they claim.
If you try the system, I would not go past the initial investment until you have a chance to learn a lot more about it. You want to avoid the $100’s in upsells.
If you want a much better choice, see my article on Wealthy Affiliate.
Five Minute Profit Sites at a Glance…
Name: Five Minute Profit Sites
Owners: Sam Smith
Price: $37
Overall Scam Rank: 60 out of 100
VERDICT: LEGIT with cautions
The websites that you create are not done for you kind of websites are they? I’ve heard from many in the affiliate marketing community that having these duplicate websites is not a good thing.
Other than that, It is good to know that the strategies that they are employing are common strategies that most affiliate marketers use.
That was one of my concerns. The site is created for you and too many would look the same.
This is why I use WordPress. There are thousands of themes to choose from and multiple layouts. It would be hard to find the exact site that you use.
Check out my article on Wealthy Affiliate, that is where I learned to create my sites and continue to learn. The community there has been a great help to me.
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Why do you consider this to be a scam? Is it because you don’t get the return on investment that they promised or because the end result isn’t a website that is worth the money you put into it?
I do not like the idea you can build a site in a few clicks and start raking in the money. If all you are going to do is pay for advertising, you will need to ask yourself how are you going to earn a profit with all the expensive ads?
You are using a cut and paste site that who knows how many others are using. Unless you have unique content, it is very unlikely that you will receive anyone finding your site for free. Advertising is not a bad thing, but getting traffic from free searches is the way to go.
Writing content and SEO are two very important parts to your online business.
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