Advertising is an essential part of the job for any business if they want to succeed.
This is especially true when it comes to digital marketing and online advertising because there’s an enormous platform to be seized.
With over five billion people using the internet, that’s an enormous audience of potential customers for your business.
However, they can just easily drift over to your competition. So how can you regularly create successful online advertising?
This is where Google Ads’ “responsive search ads” come in.
There are plenty of different tools to use to help your business have more success with its digital advertising, but this is one of the best.
To explain it simply, responsive search ads are adverts that adapt so that they are showing more relevant messages to your customers, rather than wasting money on irrelevant adverts.
But how do Google Ads actually generate responsive search ads?
Put simply, it’s all about using various combinations of user-inputted headlines and descriptions, but we’ll be going into it in greater detail below.
In our guide below, we’ll explain exactly how Google Ads generates its responsive search ads.
Additionally, we’ll look at how you can create your own responsive ad with them, allowing you to achieve better results.
Responsive Search Ads – What Are They?
As we’ve touched upon, Google Ads’ responsive search ads allow you to make an advert that will adapt itself over time so that it shows more relevant marketing messages to your customers.
As you will know from browsing the internet, you will often get a lot of adverts that have no relevance to you whatsoever – and you simply ignore them.
This can be a waste of time and money for the businesses that are paying to advertise.
It would be much better if they could only show you adverts that are relevant to your needs and interests. This is where the adaptive responsive search ads excel.
Through their clever system, you can improve your chances of success with each of your advertising campaigns.
Since they should be showing more relevant adverts, you should be more likely to get customers clicking on the advert – and ideally even getting conversions.
In marketing, conversions is the term for when the recipient of an advert performs the desired response of the advert’s message.
For example, this could be buying the advertised product, or calling the company.
How Does Google Ads Generate Responsive Search Ads?
Google Ads enables their responsive search ads in a very clever way that is built from information that you provide it with. How so?
Well, when you’re creating a responsive search ad, you enter multiple headlines and descriptions, all relevant to your adverts.
The more of these headlines and descriptions that you type and enter, the more opportunities Google Ads is going to have to offer up adverts that are more relevant to your potential customer and the types of queries that they search for.
It does this by making loads of different combinations of headlines and descriptions, and regularly creating new adverts that are going to be more relevant to the time and customer situation.
Better yet, it learns. The adaptive combinations should already improve your chances of selling to these new customers, but Google Ads also measures which different combinations of headlines and descriptions are performing best.
By doing this, Google Ads can ditch the ad combinations that aren’t working, and instead focus on delivering ones that are more similar to the successful adverts.
This will improve your success, and waste less ad money.
How Do The Combinations Work?
For any advert, Google Ads will select (at most) three headlines and two descriptions to be shown in different combinations, as well as different orders.
On top of that, it could be the case that part of the advert text automatically appears in bold whenever it is very closely relevant to a user’s search query.
This will make it even more likely for the user to take notice and click on the advert, engaging.
As we’ve said before, Google Ads will then analyze which combinations are working best, as well as learn which of them are the most relevant to various search queries.
How Do I Create A Responsive Search Ad?

There are a few simple steps to follow to make your own responsive search ads.
Step One
From your Google Ads account, click “Ads and extensions” on the left of the page. Click the + symbol button, then select “Responsive search ad”.
Step Two
Enter your final URL, as well as the display path text. A preview of the ad will show up as you enter the information, giving you an idea of how it may look.
Step Three
Now enter your headlines, providing anywhere between 3 and 15 different ones.
Step Four
Then enter your descriptions. You’ll need anywhere between 2 and 4 descriptions.
Step Five
Click “Save”.
How Do I Edit A Responsive Search Ad?
Step One
From your Google Ads account again, click “Ads and extensions” on the left of the page. Then click the bar above the results table to add a filter.
Step Two
A drop-down menu appears: click “Attributes”, then click “Ad Type”. After that, tick the box next to “Responsive search ad”.
Step Three
On the results table, hover your cursor over the ad you want to edit. When it appears, click the edit button (a pencil). Then click “Edit”.
Step Four
Make your changes and click “Save”. Be careful, altering headlines and descriptions could impact your advert’s performance for the worst.
Final Thoughts
Google Ads’ “responsive search ads” are sure to help your adverts perform better, only displaying more relevant ones to customers and making it more likely that they engage with the advert. Use our guide to help you set some up.
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