How To Do Keyword Research With Jaaxy

How To Do Keyword Research With Jaaxy

Before we can discuss how to do keyword research for search engine optimization, let’s discuss what a keyword is. A keyword can be a single word to a group of words or phrases. The more specific your keyword, the more specific the search results will be.

Go to Google and type “baseball” in. How many results and what type did you get back? A lot, right? What if you type “baseball glove”? The results are more specific since your keyword is more specific. Now type in “Spalding baseball glove”, you will get a list of where to find and the costs of Spalding baseball gloves.

Now you have an idea of what a keyword is and how they work. You can see how important they are, but how do you know what a good keyword is? I want to share with you what I use to do my keyword searches with, why I use it, how to use it, and how to try it for free.

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