How to Track File Downloads On Your WordPress with MonsterInsights

How to Track File Downloads On Your WordPress with MonsterInsightsmonsterinsights plugin for wordpress

Have you ever wondered how those expert internet marketers, bloggers or online business gurus manage to give reports that show the performance of their websites?

How they are always able to tell what part of their content performs best, the link{s} that got the highest number of clicks, or the lead magnets that recorded the highest number of downloads.

Well, it’s nothing strange, although it may appear as the most difficult thing to do on the internet if you have never done it before. However, it is also one of the simplest things you can ever do on the World Wide Web.

Whether you are an entrepreneur (solo or team), or a corporate business owner, the most important thing you should never joke with is data analytic reports that show you how your online assets are being managed and how your operations are performing.

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What is WP Engine: The Real Truth about WP Engine

What is WP Engine: The Real Truth about WP Engine and Everything You Need to Know?what is wp engine

WP engine is a managed web hosting service that enables businesses to create websites and apps on the WordPress platform.

The good thing about this solution isn’t just about allowing brands create websites and apps on the platform; instead, it provides business owners the capacity to have their businesses set up online without having to ever worry about the safety of the online assets and other security challenges that commonly attack online businesses, an example of which is website hacking, or web host downtime.

Whatever your purpose is for searching this string of words “what is WP”, by the time you are done reading to the end, you are definitely going to thank me for the information and understanding you’ve gotten from this article.

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What Is the Lurn Summit by Anik Singal

What Is the Lurn Summit by Anik

lurn summit 2.0

If you are looking to start a business online where you can earn as much as 7 figure income consistently. Then this may be the most important message you will ever read.

Making money online isn’t as difficult has most internet marketers claim to be. In fact, starting a business online is one of the easiest ways to make money.

However, it can be a little difficulty getting started online especially if you are completely new to the internet.

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What Is Sqribble And Can I Make Money With It

What Is Sqribble And Can I Make Money With It
what is sqribble

More than a million content is created and published across the internet daily.

The millions of content created and thrown into the internet every day makes the internet the most useful and most innovative invention ever made in the history of man.

The sole existence of the internet is greatly dependent on the availability of content presented in the particular websites. That is, the internet is built on content.

This is why content is often referred to as king. Without content there is no internet because there will be nothing available on the internet to make it useful.

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