Why Is Steady Cloud Hosting A Good Place To Backup Your Site’s Data?

Why Is Steady Cloud Hosting A Good Place To Backup Your Site’s Data?Steady Cloud hosting

Do you have a website that you need to back up in a secure location? What would happen if there was a power surge or fire and your computer or server was destroyed? Do you have a way to recover the information or are you now out of business?

These are just a few questions we ask ourselves when we have an online business. Unless you have your information backed up with a reliable and secure service, you will continue to worry about this.

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WPTasty WordPress Plugins Are A Food Blogger’s Dream

WPTasty WordPress Plugins Are A Food Blogger’s Dream
tasty recipe plugin

Do you have a website or are you thinking about a website that involves food? Looking for an easy way to post recipes, links, or pins for your food or health site? Then check out WPTasty. A very helpful WordPress plugin for a food-related site.

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How Hard Is It To Build A Website?-It’s Not!

How Hard Is It To Build A Website?-It’s Not!

Have you wanted to learn to build your own website? Did you know you can start learning for Free?

Anyone who is interested in building their own business can spend thousands of dollars learning and building their website. This training video will give you an overview of the process of how you can build your site in 30 seconds. It is an in-depth 17-minute training video that is packed full of useful information.

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Tired Of The Work Life Yet? – I know I Am!

Tired Of The Work Life Yet? – I know I am!lousy job

I don’t know about you, but I am tired of working for companies that claim they take care of their employees and don’t! They can keep the so-called 9 to 5 jobs for themselves, but I wanted something better for myself and my family. Working for someone else wasn’t going to give me what I wanted.

Let’s take a look at a typical workday. We will discuss the commute to work, the job, the pay, and don’t forget the politics.

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